Being Kind…

Why is it so difficult to be kind? It’s so much easier to be kind than unkind. I can easily suppress an unkind thought or action because it’s not an option for me. I’ve had to work through a lot to get to this place. I can have a sharp tongue at times when I feel wounded. I think we all do. Human instinct to bite back after being bitten. Human? Or animal behavior? Anyhow, soul searching and lots of introspection have brought me to the conclusion that my soul feels better if I suppress my sharp-tongued thoughts and words. So how do I handle it? I express my hurt with the person that I think has hurt me. I feel better that I got it out and I move on. When my Daughter was little, I never wanted her to dwell on hurt for too long. I would tell her “Cry a River, Build a Bridge and Get Over it.” I know we’ve all heard that but it resonates with me. If you really get over something, the hurt and anger leave you. You don’t have anger and bitterness left behind. Anger and bitterness like to show up when they are least wanted.

I have a high school age child and we have conversations about kindness a lot. Especially, when it comes to social media and the responsibilities that it brings. It brings people together but it also tears people apart faster than anything else. You can’t take back unkind words or actions. This will be thoughts for another day.


It's Okay to Fail